或者地球人總是對肥胖人士帶有歧視,不過MCU一連三集《蜘蛛俠》成功將雅各布·貝塔隆(Jacob Batalon)打造成超級明星。然而,這個予人印象有點KY(不會讀取氣氛)的技術宅,在《不戰無歸》後卻踏上了瘋狂減重的旅程,由一個肥宅搖身一變成為「肌肉」型男。
“I decided to get into this sort of transformation, or this sort of journey, with my health and fitness at the end of 2019. Even when I wasn’t doing anything physical, I found myself getting sleepy at work and it was because of all the fat food I was eating.”
雅各布近日在接受外媒《People》專欄「Men’s Health」的採訪時,就分述了自己一年內減掉100磅的故事。他說並不是因為肥宅形象有礙星途而作出減重決定,而是體重增加已開始影響到自己的健康,因此在整個2020年在教練和女朋友的幫助下,每周在健身房瘋狂操練,並且開始了植物性飲食(簡單來說就是茹素)。
“This one day I kind of just saw myself without a shirt on and it was just ridiculous. I could not believe I let myself get this far. That’s what sort of started it all.”
“Recently, my girlfriend has actually gotten me into a plant-based diet, as well, and that’s really helped my body and I can feel the difference between eating a lot of meat and eating plant-based stuff and that’s really helped me, as well. I found a lot of light in the dark in the sense that a lot of people were suffering and I was fortunate and lucky enough to have found my health and all those things.”
不過順帶來一提,雅各布飾演的角色尼特利茲(Ned Leeds)在原著中是大反派「惡鬼」(The Hobgoblin),雖然綠魔以多元宇宙的方式回歸蜘蛛俠電影,說不定在新一集中他將會擔當象徵「摯友+死敵」的重要角色,讓湯賀蘭同樣面對這個歷代蜘蛛俠都必須經歷取捨的重要時刻。