Covid-19 新型冠狀病毒在全球各個國家的確診個案急速上升,面對這種變異和傳播速度快的新型病毒,加上全球多國都未有疫苗對付病毒,各地民眾都十分驚慌,一度出現搶購物資囤貨的情況,也有些人不怕病毒堅決要到處玩樂。有見及此,國外網友在知名的俚語詞典 Urban Dictionary 創建一個新的英文單字「Covidiot」,形容現時的情況。

Source : Unsplash


「來自於新型冠狀病毒2020 Covid-19,一個忽視公共衛生安全的人。
(Someone who ignores the warnings regarding public health or safety.)

(A person who hoards goods, denying them from their neighbors.)

「你見到那個取走300卷廁紙的 covidiot 嗎?那個 Covidiot 還跟每個見面的人擁抱。」
(Did you see that covidiot with 300 rolls of toilet paper in his basket? That covidiot is hugging everyone she sees.)

(A stupid person who stubbornly ignores the “social distancing” protocol, thus helping to further spread COVID-19.)

(A stupic person who hoards groceries needlessly spreading Covid-19 fears and depriving others of vital supplies.)

(Are you seriously going to visit grandma? Dude, don’t be such a covidiot.)

(See that guy with the 200 toilet paper rolls? What a covidiot.)


Source: Urban DictionaryDaily Mail

Cover : Unsplash


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