
Lenka – The Show


I’m just a little girl lost in the moment

I’m so scared but I don’t show it

I can’t figure it out, it’s bringing me down

I know I’ve got to let it go…

And just enjoy the show

來自澳洲的唱作歌手Lenka,唱腔獨特又甜美,《The Show》是她的經 曲目,可愛的曲風,把人生比喻為一場戲,她永遠用音樂告訴你,即使人生在迷茫失意時,仍然保持自己的個人色彩。感覺在人生疲累時,有她的音樂作伴是多麼的幸福啊。

Russian Red – Fuerteventura


You’re always such a fool And in your eyes so blue

I see the life I never had before.

You always talk so smooth

And in your voice, so true

I hear the dream I never had before.


Taylor Swift – Begin Again


And you throw your head back laughing Like a little kid

I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny cause

He never did

I’ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does

Is break and burn and end

But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again

美國人氣小天后Taylor Swift,外貌精緻迷人,唱功了得。《Begin Again》以輕快的音樂帶出那種經過分手後的復原期,好不容易走出陰霾,帶著脆弱受傷的心進行分手後的第一次約會,而約會的對象竟然是細心體貼的男生,讓她再次感到小憑亂撞的戀愛感覺。



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Charlie Lai
work hard and be kind.