《波西傑克森》(Percy Jackson)系列小說得到許多讀者支持,故事揉合了古希臘神話,並加入了許多現代元素,圍繞著古希臘眾神與人類所生的第二代。小說系列吸納了大批粉絲,也引起電影製作人的興趣,曾推出兩部改編電影,可惜電影並沒有找作者 Rick Riordan 參與製作,加上電影裡的場面跟作者和讀者所想的差距太大,票房慘淡下最終令續集無疾而終。
Finally, I still have not seen the movies, and don't plan on ever doing so. I judge them from having read the scripts, because I care most about the story. I certainly have nothing against the very talented actors. Not their fault. I'm just sorry they got dragged into that mess.
— Rick Riordan (@rickriordan) June 8, 2020
早前 Disney Plus 宣佈,將會為《波西傑克森》製作劇集版,並找來作者 Rick Riordan 參與製作過程。Rick Riordan 近日在 Twitter 上發表多則帖文,表示同名電影自2010年上映以來,自己從未觀看,更揶揄當年的改編電影將他的心血完全毁掉。
Well, to you guys, it's a couple hours entertainment. To me, it's my life's work going through a meat grinder when I pleaded with them not to do it. So yeah. But it's fine. All fine. We're gonna fix it soon . . . 😀 https://t.co/YFuk55kGJU
— Rick Riordan (@rickriordan) June 8, 2020
「對你們而言,(改編電影)只是數小時的娛樂節目,但對我來說,就好像把我的心血都放到絞肉機裡催毁,但不打緊,我們(作者與 Disney Plus)將會解決。」
I don't know, but clearly it's a mistake. They should censor the entire thing. Just two hours of blank screen. https://t.co/nPq9TPg9Sd
— Rick Riordan (@rickriordan) June 8, 2020
當年曾參與電影製作的台前幕後至今仍未有任何回應,但當年擔任男主角的 Logan Lerman 在上個月發表帖文,表示很期待劇集版播出,希望它能令《波西傑克森》系列獲得「應有」的改編。
Source : Variety