去年尾小編走訪倫敦,來到《哈利波特》的發源地,除了一定會到訪的國王火車站 (King’s Cross railway station),即是《哈利波特》著名的9又4分3月台之外,小編總覺得英國大小的建築和街巷,都好像《哈利波特》裡的霍格華茲 (Hogwarts)、斜角巷 (Diagon Alley) 及活米村 (Hogsmeade)等書中的場景。對於 J. K. Rowling 到底在哪裡取創作靈感,一直眾說紛紜,近日她終於為大家解開疑團。
I sometimes hear Hogwarts was based on one or other of Edinburgh’s schools, but that’s 100% false, too. Hogwarts was created long before I clapped eyes on any of them! I did finish Hallows in the Balmoral, though, & I can’t lie, I’d rate it a smidge higher than the Bournville. pic.twitter.com/Evt0ttqfYH
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 21, 2020
早前有戲迷主動在Twitter問 J. K. Rowling ,到底她表示創作魔法世界的靈感是來自哪個地方,她表示《哈利波特》的最初靈感,是由曼徹斯特到倫敦的火車開始萌生。「大家一直以為我所創作的霍格華茲,靈感是來自我見過或到訪過的美麗地方,事實並非如此。」
她也表示,斜角巷的原型是以14世紀稱為約克的「肉店街」(The Shambles) 為靈感。另外,在構想霍格華茲時,她是用了愛丁堡的地標幫助創作。
underpass that’s claimed, I’d have spent my late 20s on a non-stop road trip between locations and I promise I didn’t. I was mostly sitting in places I could get a cheap coffee/could afford the rent & making it all up. 2/2
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 22, 2020
各位戲迷一直都以為 J. K. Rowling 會在美麗的地方開始寫作,然而對她來說,最重要的反而一個能負擔得起買咖啡的Cafe或房子裡,而現實根本沒有大家所想像的浪漫。她還搞笑地表示:「如果我真是受到每座老建築、橫街小巷、酒吧、墓地等的啟發,那麼我二十多歲的時候就應要開始無間斷的公路旅行。」
她還透露《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》是於克拉珀姆交匯站 (Clapham Junction) ,當時在一家體育用品商店上方所租的公寓裡開始創作。
I was thinking of putting a section on my website about all the alleged inspirations and birthplaces of Potter. I’d been writing Potter for several years before I ever set foot in this cafe, so it’s not the birthplace, but I *did* write in there so we’ll let them off! https://t.co/xDOsrbiZwu
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 21, 2020
J.K. Rowling 強調,自己曾於不同的地方寫《哈利波特》的故事,好像因她而成為人氣景點,位於愛丁堡的Elephant Café,以及葡萄牙波多的The Majestic Café 。她還表示自己最喜歡的地方,是位於愛丁堡尼科爾森街(Nicolson Street)的一間咖啡廳:「曾經有一次我坐在那裡寫了整整一章節,事後幾乎沒有作出任何改動,不過現在好像已變成一家中國餐館。 」
I wrote the bit where Harry buys his wand sitting under a tree, appropriately enough. (I can't absolutely guarantee they haven't taken away the old tree & planted a new one in the same corner of the field. I haven't been there for nearly 30 years. But I think it's this one.) pic.twitter.com/29IA3eHHl9
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 21, 2020
還記得哈利波特第一次買魔杖的情況嗎?原來當時 J.K. Rowling 在在奧利文德 (Ollivanders) 的一棵樹下寫出來的,不過她已經30年沒有再去那裡,雖然分享了一張照片,但並沒有標明詳細的地方。
Real Harry Potter inspiration alert: I walked past this sign every day on my way to work when I was living in Clapham . Much later – post-publication – I revisited the area & suddenly realised THIS was why 'Severus' had leapt into my head when thinking of a 1st name for Snape. pic.twitter.com/q5wzsQb3m9
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 23, 2020
近日她再度分享過去的創作靈感,驚發石內卜教授 (Severus Snape) 的名字,是來自她以前上班必經的其中一條街道。
Source : Vogue