電影《浪跡天地 Nomadland》在今屆奧斯卡以大熱姿態奪得最佳電影、最佳導演、最佳女主角三個大獎,39歲的趙婷更成為首位獲得奧斯卡最佳導演的亞裔導演,雖然內地一早封殺有關的消息,但趙婷在領獎期間提及電影理念時,特別用漢語讀出《三字經》中「人之初、性本善」,提醒各位在艱難的時間仍然堅守著彼此的善心。《浪跡天地》這部電影或者未必符合大眾口味,但卻是一部能治癒人心的作品,當中有些對白也值得大家欣賞。

I’m not homeless, I’m just houseless.

Home, is it just a word? Or is it something that you carry within you?

I don’t ever say a final goodbye. I always just say, I’ll see you down the road.

That ring is a circle. And it never ends. And that means that your love never ends.

When you were growin’ up, you were eccentric to other people. You maybe seemed weird…but it was just because you were braver, and more honest than everybody else.


”And you could see me when I was hiding from everybody. And sometimes you could see me before I saw myself.

nBo never knew his parents and we never had kids. If I didn’t stay…if I left, it would be like he never existed.

「獻給那些不得不離開的人。」Dedicated to the ones who had to depart.

You are one of those lucky people that is from the United States. And you can travel anywhere. And they sometimes call you…nomads…or people who don’t have a home.

” What’s remembered lives.”

” I love this lifestyle. It is a lifestyle of freedom, and beauty, and connection to the Earth.”


”Just help me laugh at pain. Help me smile away the tears.”

”And every fair from fair sometimes declines. By chance or nature’s changing course undimmed. But thy eternal summer shall not fade.”

✍🏼Editor for Fashion, Celebrity news, Drama and Movie review ✍🏼 📸Photography, Travelling, Dancing and hiking